Programmes and Schemes
As per the mandate received from the Resolution of 1960 and the subsequent Presidential Orders, the Commission has undertaken the following areas of activities:
- Preparation of English-Hindi and Hindi-English Technical Glossaries/Dictionaries
- Preparation of English-Regional Language Technical Glossaries/Dictionaries
- Preparation of Trilingual Technical Glossaries/Dictionaries
- Preparation of National Technical Terminology
- Preparation of Definitional Dictionaries
- Preparation of Technical Encyclopedias
- Preparation of School-Level Terminology
- Preparation and/or Approval of Departmental Glossaries
- Revision and Updating of Glossaries
- Identification and Publication of Pan-Indian Terms
- Propagation, Expansion and Critical Review of the Terms Coined and Defined
- Scheme of Production of University Level Books in Hindi and Regional Languages
- Preparation and Publication of Monographs
- Preparation and Publication of Digests
- Preparation and Publication of Journals
- Establishment and Maintenance of Terminology Clubs
- Sales of Publications
- Free Distribution of Publications
- Organizing Exhibitions
Note: Scheme of ‘Preparation of Technical Encyclopedias’, ‘Scheme of Preparation and Publication of Monographs’, and ‘Preparation and Publication of Digests’ are not operational at present.
A brief description about above mentioned schemes.
- Preparation of english-hindi and hindi-english technical glossaries/dictionaries
- Students, scholars, teachers, researchers, scientists and others; who pursue their educational, institutional and official work in Hindi medium require standard technical terminology. Such a standardized terminology in Hindi and other regional languages, not only provides uniformity to the terms, but also removes the disparities of usage among various states where different equivalents are used for the same term.
- Preparation of english-regional language technical glossaries/dictionaries
- Standard technical terminology in regional languages are required for the students and scholars pursuing their studies in regional languages. Such terminologies are of immense use for the researchers and scientists as well. Standardized terminology of regional languages provides scope to bring uniformity in identifying terms among different languages of the states.
- Preparation of trilingual glossaries/dictionaries
- In these glossaries, each English term has one equivalent in Hindi and one equivalent in any of the other Modern Indian Languages (as stated in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India). In a Trilingual glossary, attempts are made to transliterate the Hindi term in the concerned regional language. This ensures that the Rajbhasha reaches out to the masses and the other target groups, and thereby becomes popular in all States and Union Territories of the country.
- Preparation of national technical terminology
- The Commission evolves, develops and approves terminology in all Indian languages. It is one of the main objectives of the Commission, to ensure the uniformity of terminology in all Indian languages. The Commission is to evolve National Technical Terminology of different subjects/fields in which a technical term in English will have equivalents of all the Indian languages, stated in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India. Readers can get the subject-wise equivalents of all Indian languages at one place in these glossaries. The Commission begins this programme with an outline of National Glossary of Administrative Terms, to be followed by the National Glossaries of other subjects/fields.
- Preparation of definitional dictionaries
- The scientific and technical terms can best be understood in context of their definitions. Thus, the Commission prepares definitional dictionaries in all subjects/fields. Generally, a glossary contains the technical terms of English along with their Hindi or Regional language equivalents whereas, a definitional dictionary conceptually explains the technical terms of English along with their Hindi or Regional languages equivalents in few sentences. Thus definitional dictionaries are more important and useful for the students, teacher, researchers, scholars, scientists and other users. In fact, a definitional dictionary is an extension of the process of evolution of terminology for ensuring better understanding and usage of the term.
- Preparation of Technical Encyclopedias
- This scheme is not operational presently.
- Preparation of school-level terminology
- If a proper information of the technical terms in Hindi and other Regional Language/s is provided at the school level, it would be easier for the users to grasp, recognize, retain, recollect and recall those terms easily. The Commission has already prepared a number of comprehensive and subject-wise glossaries and definitional dictionaries. NCERT, SCERTs, NIOS and any other such organizations; that undertake the work of preparing books at the school level; shall utilize these standard and uniform terminologies.
- On a PIL, the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India directed NCERT and all such agencies, engaged in preparing school level books, to use the terms developed by the Commission; so the uniformity of these terms is ensured in their books.
- The Commission has now decided to publish special glossaries and definitional dictionaries for the school level. The Commission has organized meetings and deliberations with the representatives of NCERT, SCERTs and Education Directors of various states and at present, is going ahead with the huge task of publishing glossaries for the school level in the different phases. The Commission aims to ensure the use of standard uniform terminology, throughout the country.
- Preparation and/or approval of departmental glossaries
- Various government departments, public sector undertakings, scientific organizations, banks and other agencies need glossaries of technical terminology for their offices/institutions. The Commission either prepares or approves the terminology prepared by such institutions, as per the defined procedure and standards, set by the Commission. So, these agencies can publish their own Departmental glossaries for inter and/or intra-departmental use. Such an agency may opt for the publication of their departmental glossaries; either by itself or jointly with the Commission. On the request of a particular office/institution/agency, the Commission may prepare Departmental glossaries for their usage by reserving the copyrights-cum-publication rights with itself, and may attach a price tag to it. The Commission may either endorse an agreement or a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the requesting office/institution/agency or the terms and conditions may be decided through correspondence; regarding the publication of Departmental glossary.
- Revision and updating of glossaries
- The Commission review and revise its glossaries and definitional dictionaries periodically. To update the existing glossaries; new words/terms are added to them, that have become popular due to scientific innovations, technical revolutions, globalization, liberalization and other socio-economic developments. The updating process, is also, extended to the terms already coined/defined in the context of their proper usages and new nuances. Obsolete terms are deleted.
- Identification and publication of pan-indian terms
- All educationists, linguists and scholars believe that a technical term in all Indian languages must bear utmost uniformity; to facilitate inter-lingual communication and exchange of scientific information in all areas of education and research. For this purpose, Indian languages must have a common uniform similar corpus of terms. Since the roots of technical terms of different languages in different states of the country are usually the same, there are many terms, which are similar. By identifying these terms, the Commission publishes glossaries of Pan-Indian terms. These glossaries are distributed free of cost to the users.
- Propagation, expansion and critical review of terms coined and defined
- Technical terminology is useless in absence of popular use. To exercise clarity in usage and to attain uniformity of terminology, not only the standardization but also the popularization is utmost essential. This would be feasible only by planned propagations; active deliberations and purposeful interactive session on the terms/words coined/defined, with the target clusters, user groups, teachers, scholars, trainees and students etc. from various cross-section of the society. Since the teachers at various levels are not yet adequately equipped with the terminology, they need to be conversant with the equivalents coined/defined. The officers and the ministerial staff of different institutions and the scientists face problems in usage of technical terms. They need to be properly oriented/trained with the technical terminology in Hindi or other Modern Indian (regional) language/s. Considering myriad needs of the target clusters or the user groups; various programmes are followed for the propagation, expansion and critical review of terms.
- Scheme of production of university level books in hindi and regional languages
- The Commission indirectly publishes university level books on various subjects through Hindi Granth Academies and University Cells of different states. The CSTT monitors and coordinates the work, besides providing funds for the publishing of university level books. This University Book Production Scheme operates as per the guidelines of the grant-in-aid scheme of the CSTT under the revised scheme of 1979 of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India for the production of books in Hindi and other regional languages. Highly academic standard books must contain standard terminology of the Hindi/regional language. Grants are released to the States Granth Academies and University Cells under this scheme. The CSTT does not publish books in regional languages on its own. However, to facilitate change of medium to regional languages, the CSTT provides grants to Tex-Book Boards and University Cells of various states, directly or through their respective state government; to publish books in their regional languages as well as monitors such activities.
- Preparation and publication of monographs
- This scheme is not in operational presently.
- Preparation and publication of digests
- This scheme is not in operational presently.
- Preparation and publication of journals
- The Commission publish two quarterly journals in Hindi to encourage original writings and cater the needs of students, scholars, teachers, scientists, journalists, etc. The journal titled 'Gyan Garima Sindhu' is related to the subjects/fields of social sciences and humanities, while another one titled 'Vigyan Garima Sindhu' is related to the subjects/fields of science and technology.
- Gyan Garima Sindhu
- Gyan Garima Sindhu is a quarterly journal that publishes articles related to humanities and social sciences. The journal intends to popularize useful and latest text-oriented and supplementary literature, related to humanities and social science topics, for the scholars pursuing their studies through Hindi medium. The journal has composite nature; which includes technical articles, research papers, essays, model glossaries, definitional dictionaries, poems, stories, cartoons, information, news, book reviews related to humanities and social sciences.
- Vigyan Garima Sindhu
- Vigyan Garima Sindhu quarterly journal publishes articles related to basic sciences, applied sciences and technology. The journal intends to popularize useful and latest text-oriented and supplementary literature, related to the science topics for scholars' pursuing their studies in Hindi. The journal is of composite nature which includes scientific articles, research papers, technical essays, model glossaries and definitional dictionaries, poems, stories, cartoons, scientific information, science news and book reviews related to science subjects.
- Establishment and maintenance of terminology clubs
- CSTT establishes Terminology Clubs in various states, so that complete terminology literature, developed by CSTT and its agencies, is available for the users under one roof. CSTT plans to have a National Terminology Library at its premises. Terminology Clubs have already been established at ‘Orissa State Bureau of Text-Book Preparation and Production’, Bhubaneshwar; ‘Lucknow Univesrity’, Lucknow; ‘Vigyan Parishad Prayag’, Allahabad and ‘Publication Division, Mysore University’, Mysore, etc. The Commission intends to establish these clubs in all the states of the country and look after their maintenance.
- Sale of publications
- The Commission has a regular sale counter for selling its publications in its own office premises, besides regular sales by the Department of Publication, Civil Lines, Delhi. Sale counters are also arranged during exhibitions / meetings / workshops. The publications are also available for sale at the following outlets of the Publication Department, Government of India.
- Kitab Mahal
Publication Department,
Government of India
Baba Kharag Singh Marg
State Emporium Building, Unit No.21
New Delhi - Pustak Depot
Publication Department,
K.S. Roy Marg
Kolkata-700001 - Sale Counter
Publication Department,
Government of India,
C.G.O. Complex,
New Marine Lines,
Mumbai-400020 - Sale Counter
Publication Department,
Government of India,
Udyog Bhawan, Gate No. 3,
New Delhi-110001 - Sale Counter
Publication Department,
Government of India,
(Lawyers Chamber),
Delhi High Court,
New Delhi-110003 - Sale Counter
Publication Department,
Government of India,
Union Public Service Commission,
Dholpur House,
New Delhi-110001 - Free Distribution of Publications
- Few books, related to terminology are distributed free of cost to the users by CSTT. Teachers, students, scientists, officers, ministerial staff, etc. are encouraged to use standard technical terms in Hindi by providing them, 'Fundamental Glossaries' of different technical subjects, free of cost in a concise form.
- Organizing Exhibitions
- The Book Exhibitions organized by the Commission are meant for displaying the publications of the Commission, so that more and more people are introduced to the works of the Commission and the agencies like Hindi Granth Academies, Text-Book Boards and University Cells. Sale of the books published by the Commission is also undertaken during the exhibitions. A permanent exhibition counter is available to the general public, during the office hours in the premises of the Commission. There is a Sales Counter with the Exhibition Counter of the Commission, where the publications of the Commission can be purchased at discount. The Commission may open temporary exhibition counters at the State, National and International Book Fairs. Agencies organizing such fairs may send the necessary information or proposal to the Commission. Temporary exhibition counters may also be opened at the venues of different programmes, conducted by the Commission, or at the venues of the academics programmes, conducted by various other agencies.
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