Presidential Order on the Recommendations made by the Committee of Parliament on Official Language in the First Part of its Report

Copy of the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs (Department of Official Language) Resolution No. 1/20012/1/87-OI. (A-I) dated 30th December, 1988

(17)(E)Evolving of Standard terminology

(18)The committee has made the following recommendations in regard to evolving of terminology:

  1. Finalising standard Hindi equivalents of new words
    The commission for scientific and technical Terminology should immediately undertake the task of finalizing standard Hindi equivalents of thousands of new words which have come into being in various subjects after 1970 and should take steps to update their glossaries.
  2. Periodical review of glossaries
    These terminologies should be reviewed from time to time and appropriate new words relating to new expressions up on account of scientific innovations and other developments should be added therein to make up- to- date.
  3. To expedite the finalization of terminologies presently being evolved
    The work relating to the evolution of terminologies on various subjects which is presently in progress should be expedited so that it is completed by the end of the year, 1988.
  4. Constituting a high level committee
    The vacancies in the membership of the commission for scientific and technical Terminology should be immediately filled up and a high Level Committee should be constituted to provide guidance in the field of evolution of terminology.

    These recommendations have been accepted. The Department of Education under Ministry of Human Resource Development may take necessary action. Regarding review of legal terminology, the Official Language Wing of the Legislative Department under Ministry of law and Justice may take necessary action.

(F)Use, propagation and distribution of standard terminology

(19) Emphasising the need for the use and propagation of the standard terminology, the Committee has made the following recommendations:

  1. To ensure the use of standard Hindi equivalents
    The use of Hindi equivalents English terms as are given or as may be given in the standard glossaries should be ensured so that a standard form of the Official Language could be evolved.
  2. To organise workshops for teachers Workshops on terminology should be organised for teachers in various Universities so that their knowledge of the use of precise terms gets enlarged and their linguistic capabilities are enhanced.
  3. Identifying all India terminology
    After identifying the all India terminology, lists of all the basic terms should be prepared and sent to the Text-Book Boards of non-Hindi speaking states and also workshops on terminology organised in cooperation with the scholars of these states.
  4. Adaptation of glossaries published by the Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology
    For the adaptation of glossaries published by the commission for scientific and Technical Terminology, proper agencies should be set up in all states so that there is uniformity of terminology in the scientific and Technical literature written in Hindi and other Indian Languages.
  5. Use of Standard terminology in study and teaching
    Agencies engaged in the work of evolving terminology should send subject wise lists of terms to schools, Universities and teachers and go to states and organise seminars and workshops for the teachers of schools and Universities so that they may become conversant with newly evolved terms and make use of them in their study and teaching.
  6. To impart knowledge of technical terminology in workshops
    In workshops organised to facilitate work in Hindi, officers/staff should be invariably familiarised with technical terminology so that they are able to use it in their day-to-day work.
  7. Writing of books in Hindi on scientific and technical subjects
    More and more books should be written on scientific and technical subjects in Hindi at Government level. In this field private publishers may also be encouraged. A protection for the publication of these books should be that authentic terminology will be used in them.
  8. Use of standard terminology in the official work of Central Government
    Legal, scientific and technical terminologies, evolved by the Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology and concerned Ministries should be appropriately used in the official work of the Central Government, including broadcasts over All India Radio and telecasts on Doordarshan.  
  9. Distribution of glossaries in adequate number
    Glossaries published by the Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology and the Official Language Wing of the Legislative Department and also those prepared and published by other Ministries should be made available all Government Offices in adequate number according to their requirements.
  10. Provision of detailed information about glossaries to institutes concerned with education
    Institutes related to the field of education e.g. National Council of Educational Research and Training, University Grants Commission and Universities etc. should be provided with detailed information about the existing glossaries as well as about those glossaries that might be brought: out in future and they should be urged to ensure their use to possible extent in the study material to be prepared in Hindi and other Indian languages on different subjects. Similar requests could also be made to Granth Academics, Government Bodies engaged in publishing work and private publishers to make use of those terminologies as far as possible in their publication on various subjects.
  11. Establishing a Terminology Bank
    Taking into account the future use of terminology evolved in the field of Law, Science, Technology and Humanities by computers, a Terminology Bank should be established immediately. This work could be assigned to Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology.
  12. To make available copies of legal glossary to courts
    To ensure extensive use of the legal glossary prepared by the Legislative Department, its copies should be made available free of cost or at nominal price to all such courts through out the country where there is likelihood of the use Hindi.
  13. Use of legal terminology in text-books of law
    For the convenience of students studying law through Hindi medium, authentic legal terminology should be used in text-books of law, whether they are translated or originally written in Hindi.
  14. Wide distribution of legal glossary
    The Legislative Department should get large number of copies of legal glossary printed and arranged for its wide distribution so as to ensure its use and achieve uniformity in language.

    All these recommendations have been accepted. To ensure use of the standard terminology in Government offices the Department of Official Language has already issued necessary orders, the compliance of which should be ensured by all Ministries/Departments etc. The Department of Official Language may also issue directions in regard to (vi) above.

    Department of Education of the Ministry of Human Resources Development may take necessary action as envisaged in the recommendations for the propagation of standard terminology evolved by the Department, for its use in the field of Education and in the publication of books and for the establishment of Terminology Banks.

    Similarly in relation to legal glossary, the Official Language Wing of the Legislative Department may take necessary action.


(G)Original drafting

(20)Use of Hindi in legal drafting

  1. In the field of law, original drafting should be done in Hindi so that laws enacted in Hindi are interpreted in Hindi and decisions written in Hindi.
  2. Original drafting of codes, manuals etc. in Hindi In future all new codes, manuals etc. should be prepared originally in Hindi. These recommendations have been accepted in principle. Although at present it may not be possible to implement them fully, yet efforts may be made in this direction as possible. Regarding original Hindi drafting in the field of law, the Legislative Department may take necessary action. So far as the question of preparing codes and manuals originally in Hindi is concerned, the Department of Official Language may issue necessary directions to all Ministries and Departments etc.

(H)Other recommendations related to the field of Education

(21)While emphasizing the need for translating into Hindi and other Indian languages all the Scientific and technical knowledge available in other languages of the world, the Committee has recommended that for the advancement of the country it is necessary that material containing up to date knowledge brought out in the languages of the developed countries of the world should be directly and without any delay got translated into Hindi and other Indian languages. It has further recommended that for this purpose a new organisation may be set up.

This recommendation has been accepted with this modification that the Department of Education under the Ministry of Human Resource Development may get this work done through existing organizations under it by strengthening them as per the requirements of this work.

The Department of Education under Ministry of Human Resource Development may take necessary action in this regard accordingly.

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